Downtown Wedding Walk

Do you know someone who is wanting to make their special day a dream come true but hates having to commute for all your wedding needs? Come explore the local...

Love What’s Local Restaurant Week

Restaurant Week is a promotion designed to encourage community members to love what's local by trying a new restaurant or menu item, or visiting an old favorite. We want to...

Strut Your Style Fashion Show!

MKi Pavilion 107 W Ming Street, Warrensburg, MO, United States

Piccadilly Presents — Strut Your Style Fashion Show! Warrensburg Main Street is gearing up for another fun ladies night out and we couldn’t be more excited for you to join...

Downtown Beautification

Help us get Downtown Warrensburg ready for warmer weather! As the sun begins to shine and the weather starts to warm up, the more foot traffic we have Downtown! We...

Movie on the Lawn – Kids

Come gather on the courthouse lawn for a FREE family-friendly movie! Bring your blankets and chairs and join us for a great event for the whole family! Our movie will...

Movie on the Lawn – Teens

Come gather on the courthouse lawn for a FREE outdoor movie experience! We are hosting Movies on the Lawn on the 3rd Friday of May - June. This movie is...

Children’s Patriotic Bike Parade

Come out for the cutest patriotic event! Join us for our annual 4th of July Bike Parade in Downtown Warrensburg. Decorate your wagons, trikes, bikes, and pets, and come be...

Movie on the Lawn

This is the final movie of our Summer Movie on the Lawn Series. We are ending the summer with a Boozy Movie. Gather on the downtown courthouse lawn for a...

Taste of the Farmers’ Market

Join us during a beautiful summer morning during the Farmers’ Market with live music and raffle items for the Taste of the Farmers' Market. Our 2022 Warrensburg Farmers' Market fundraiser...
