Tranquility Shop is Business of the Year, for demonstrating exceptional innovation and commitment to community growth. Their recent expansion, including the addition of the Ginko Hut, showcases their dedication to enhancing the shopping experience. Tranquility Shop actively supports Main Street by staying open late for events, hosting sales, and creating unique shopping experiences that attract visitors. Owner Becky Axton has invested her own resources into maintaining and improving the building, ensuring it remains a vibrant part of the community. Additionally, Tranquility Shop’s ongoing financial support for Main Street highlights their commitment to the success and prosperity of the area. Tranquility Shop has become a destination shop for Downtown Warrensburg bringing a variety of visitors to Downtown Warrensburg. Becky and her team bring a welcoming feel to our historic Downtown and will celebrate 10 years of business in October 2025. They have been nominated for Business of the Year many times which shows their continued effort to improve their business, look to the future and make a difference. Downtown Warrensburg is grateful to have her calming presence and positive outlook in continuing to make Downtown the best it can be!