Test Art Walk


The Downtown Warrensburg Art Walks have been a community effort since they began. There has always been a strong desire to bring more art and activities to the downtown area, especially in the evenings. Downtown Warrensburg Art Walks create an opportunity for our local artists and musicians to showcase and share their talents with the community. It has also been a great experience for downtown businesses and shops to open their doors during hours they may not typically be open and engage with people that may not typically stop in. It has created a community of its own and has fostered relationships with artists, business owners, and like-minded individuals.

Warrensburg Main Street reclaimed Art Walks in January 2022. We strive to streamline the process and help artists and business owners continue to facilitate this program themselves. Warrensburg Main Street will spread the word and share what our community is doing in Downtown Warrensburg. You can fill out the form below to participate in our Third Wednesday Art Walk.

For additional information please check the Third Wednesday Art Walks – Downtown Warrensburg and Warrensburg Main Street Page on Facebook. Contact Warrensburg Main Street for questions at 660-429-3988 and info@warrensburgmainstreet.org


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